A reminder that our October membership meeting is coming up this Thursday, October 14 at 7 PM at inVenture North, 1320 Main St. in Marinette. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there! Steve
October 2021 Agenda
- Call to order
- Pledge of allegiance
- Introductions
- Approval of minutes
- Treasurer's report
- Correspondence
- Committee Reports9
- Repeater Report - AB9PJ
- Education/Training/Testing - KD8OVR
- Property Report - N9CON
- ARES Report - KD8FUE
- Trailer report - KD8FUE/KD8OVR
- Fundraising Committee KD8FUE/K9STT
- DAR report - K9STT/KD8FUE
- Web/ARRL report - K9STT
- HAT report
- New business
- RV Net on 444.075
- Election Committee
- RV Net on 444.075
- Old Business
- Peshtigo Fire Event
- K8DAR/W8PIF Scholarship
- Peshtigo Fire Event
- Announcements
- Adjournment