Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday September 9, 2021


Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club president Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Motion to approve the June meeting minutes was made by Mike Lemke, KD8FUE and seconded by Paul Sorensen, NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: Club treasurer KD8FUE reported a balance of $4,665.97 and a trailer fund balance of $308.26.

Correspondence: None

Committee Reports

Repeater Report: Pete Johnson, AB9PJ reported the jumper on the 147.000 antenna was repaired about a month ago and the repeater has been working great. He would also like to get the new mast on installed on the Harbor’s rooftop tower before he leaves the area. There was discussion on purchasing an amplifier for the 444.075 repeater so it could be run at low power and potentially extend the life of the club’s repeater.

Education and Training: Doug Dooley, KD8OVR reported he hasn’t received any new training requests. He does have a request for an extra class testing session.

Property Report: Bruce Conover, N9CON reported he still doesn’t have pictures for all of the equipment, otherwise the report is complete.

ARES Report: KD8FUE reported they are still having their district 8 conference calls.

Trailer Report: KD8OVR reported the trailer has been insulated and they are now working on the back wall and installing the shore power. An AC unit has been donated by Eric Janssen, KG9GH.

Fundraiser Report: KD8FUE reported we made over $1,000 on our fundraisers this summer. The club received a $500 donation from Breakfast on the Farm.

DAR report: K9STT reported they could use more volunteers for the DAR radio room.

Webmaster Report: K9STT reported the website has been getting a lot of hits.

ARRL Report: Current.

Breakfast on the Farm: N9CON reported it was a poor year. It rained most of the day.

HATT: KG9GH reported there is are four projects lined up.

New Business

K9STT would like to see a committee assembled to review web content, 3rd party requests for access to the website and 3rd party activities at club events. After discussion, a motion to have the board handle the review and enforcement of 3rd party requests was made by N9CON and seconded by KD8FUE. The motion was accepted and carried.

Motion to purchase a pole mounted for the meeting room at inVenture North, not to exceed $200, was made by KG9GH and seconded by Jim Callow, K8IR. The motion was accepted and carried.

Motion to transfer $500 to the trailer fund was made by AB9PJ and seconded by Tim Mellenthin, WN6KHG. The motion was accepted and carried

Old Business

Looking for volunteers for the Peshtigo Historical Days/150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire celebration in Peshtigo on September 25th. The club will be running a special event station and will need radio operators and members to assist with set up and tear down on Friday and Sunday.

The K8DAR/W8PIF scholarship was discussed and a draft brochure for advertising the scholarship was shared. A motion to explore setting up the scholarship in partnership with the DAR Boys & Girls Club was made by KD8FUE and seconded by WN6KHG. The motion was accepted and carried.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bill Meyst, AC8IO and seconded by N9CON. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 8:43 pm.

16 members present: N9GLT, WN6KHG, KE8KWU, KD8OVR, KE8SLA, KG8CX, AC8IO, AB9PJ, N9CON, K9STT, KG9GH, KD8FUE, AG9P, AB9QC, NS8V, K8IR.


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Dublin

March 13th, 2025 - 13:06 - Scattered Clouds

64°F 61°F min 67°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  63°F
Humidity:   45%
Wind: 4.0 mph SW
Pressure:   1,012 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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