Scheduled Nets

~Sunday Schedule~

Kandy Net 2024          
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June

 7- Rob

4- Rob 3- Rob 7- Paul 5 -Paul 2- Paul
14- Paul 11- Paul 10- Paul 14- Ed 12- Ed 9- Ed
21- Ed 18- Ed 17- Ed 21- Steve 19- Steve 16- Steve
28- Steve 25-Steve 24- Steve 28- Rob 26- Rob 23- Rob
    31 - Rob      30-Paul
July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
7- Ed 4- Ed 1- Ed 6- Steve 3-Steve 1- Steve
14- Steve 11- Steve 8- Steve 13- Robert 10- Robert 8- Rob
21- Robert 18- Robert 15- Robert 20- Paul 17- Paul 15- Paul
28- Paul 25-Paul 22- Paul 27- Ed 24- Ed 22- Ed
     29- Ed     29- Steve


~Wednesday Schedule~

Wed Edition Schedule: 2024          
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
 3- Steve 7- Robert 6- Steve 3- Paul 1-Robert 5- Paul
 10- Paul 14- Steve 13- Paul 10-Robert 8- Steve 12- Robert
 17- Robert 21- Paul 20-Robert 17- Steve 15- Paul 19- Steve
 24- Steve 28-Robert 27-Steve 24- Paul 22- Robert 26- Paul
 31- Paul       29- Steve  
July August Sep Oct Nov Dec
3- Robert 7- Steve 4- Paul 2- Robert 6- Paul 4- Robert
10- Steve 14- Paul 11-Robert 9- Steve 13-Robert 11- Steve
17- Paul 21- Robert 18-Steve 16- Paul 20-Steve 18- Paul
24- Robert 28- Steve 25- Paul 23-Robert 27- Paul 25-Robert
31- Steve     30- Steve    




Good evening everyone and welcome to the Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club Sunday/Wednesday evening net, also known as the "Kandy Net/OR/Wednesday Edition". Your net control for this evening is __YOUR NAME___YOUR CALL_


This net is held each Sunday evening at 7pm CST on the W8PIF M&M ARC repeater with a tone of 107.2 both on transmit and receive.  We are also on Echolink node #481872

All ham radio operators within range of this repeater and all those hearing us on Echolink are encouraged and welcome to check-in.


This net features club news, station operator comments, plus news and updates from the YACHT young ham programs.


This is a directed net and all transmissions will go through this net control station.  Mobiles and those with emergency traffic are always given priority in transmission.

I will ask for Echolink check-ins first, followed by those accessing the net direct through the repeater.  Please give your call slowly, clearly, and phonetically.  


(a) echolink check-ins....

(b) repeater check-ins....

(c) Club news

(d) Any additional check-ins or comments....

(Pause for more check-ins every 10 or 15 min. and again at end of net.)

(Added)... You are also invited to check in to our mid-week net on Wed. 7pm CDST on the 147.000 repeater. 


Thanks for your participation this evening.  We had ___ check ins.  The next meeting of the club is on_______________. 

73 and have a good evening.  The W8PIF repeater is now returned to regular amateur use.  _____ is clear.


(updated 3/27/2021)