
A reminder that our September membership meeting is coming up this Thursday September 9 at 7 PM at inVenture North, 1320 Main St. in Marinette. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!  Steve

Ham Breakfast will be held next Saturday, September 11 at the Watermark (Formerly Schloegle's Restaurant) at 9 AM. After breakfast we will discuss the organization of the K9P Special Event Station at Peshtigo Historical Days.  We need volunteers for setup on Friday the 24th, and breakdown on the 25th - so for those of you who missed Field Day this year, here's a great opportunity to practice for next year!


September 2021 Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of allegiance
  3. Introductions
  4. Approval of minutes
  5. Treasurer's report
  6. Correspondence
  7. Committee Reports9
    1. Repeater Report - AB9PJ
    2. Education/Training/Testing - KD8OVR
    3. Property Report - N9CON
    4. ARES Report - KD8FUE
    5. Trailer report - KD8FUE/KD8OVR
    6. Fundraising Committee KD8FUE/K9STT
    7. DAR report - K9STT/KD8FUE
    8. Web/ARRL report - K9STT
    9. Breakfast on the Farm -N9CON
  8. New business
    1. Web content committee/Editors
    2. 3rd party web content policy
    3. 3rd party activities at club events
  9. Old Business
    1. Peshtigo Fire Anniversary - Setup/operating Volunteers - K9P Card Info
    2. K8DAR/W8PIF Scholarship
  10. Announcements
  11. Adjournment





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Weather in Ashburn

February 19th, 2025 - 3:31 - Overcast Clouds

17°F 16°F min 19°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  7°F
Humidity:   49%
Wind: 8.0 mph W
Pressure:   1,031 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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