Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday October 14, 2021


Meeting was called to order at 8:06 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club president Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Motion to approve the September meeting minutes was made by Bruce Conover, N9CON and seconded by Paul Sorensen, NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: Club treasurer Mike Lemke, KD8FUE reported a balance of $4,638.94. Our 2020 finances are under audit by our CPA. When finished, he will make suggestions on how we can keep better track of our finances.

Correspondence: Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club Sawpfest will be held on Sunday, November 7th at the Starlite Club in Kaukauna.

Committee Reports

Repeater Report: Pete Johnson, AB9PJ reported all repeaters are working well.

Education and Training: Doug Dooley, KD8OVR reported there was an exam session held a few weeks back and one extra class upgrade was tested and passed.

Property Report: Nothing new to report

ARES Report: KD8FUE reported district 8 held a set Saturday. They were able to make contact with Delta County over the repeater.

Trailer Report: KD8OVR reported they have been working on the communications trailer a couple of days a week. Painting has been finished, carpet has been purchased for the walls, the rear bulkhead has been installed, and donated furniture has been picked up. AB9PJ has donated a UHF repeater and some tools for the trailer.

Fundraiser Report: KD8FUE will have a complete fundraiser report in December.

DAR report: Nothing new to report

Webmaster Report: K9STT reported all is good with the website.

ARRL Report: Current with ARRL.

HATT: AB9PJ reported there are three projects pending.

New Business

There was a proposal by AJ Pawlowski, KB7KZ to regularly connect the club’s 444.075 repeater to various nets during the week via WIRES X. A motion to table the proposal was made by N9CON and 2nd by KD8FUE. The motion was accepted and carried.

There is a need for members to serve on the Election Committee with Tim Mellenthin, WN6KHG. Contact K9STT or WN6KHG if interested.

The annual Christmas party was discussed. N9CON suggested we go back to Embers 1871 in Peshtigo and have members order off the menu and pay with their own funds instead of the buffet style meal we have done in the past.

A motion for the club reimburse K9STT for the wireless speaker/microphone and record it as club property was made by AB9PJ and 2nd by KB7KZ. The Motion was accepted and carried.



Old Business

The Peshtigo Historical Days/150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire special event station was held on September 25th. The event went very well with about 800 contacts logged.

The K8DAR/W8PIF scholarship is moving along. K9STT is working on a brochure to give to schools. The scholarship program is on track to launch this summer.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by WN6KHG and seconded by KB7KZ. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 8:55 pm.

15 members present: N9GLT, NS8V, KE8KWU, KD9IGW, AG9P, KD8FUE, KB7KZ, KD8OVR, N9CON, WN6KHG, KG8CX, K8IR, KG9GH, K9STT and AB9PJ.


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Dublin

March 13th, 2025 - 13:08 - Scattered Clouds

65°F 60°F min 67°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  63°F
Humidity:   44%
Wind: 4.0 mph SW
Pressure:   1,012 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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