Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday September 8, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club president Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Motion to approve the July meeting minutes was made by Paul Sorensen, NS8V and seconded by Bruce Conover, N9CON. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: Mike Lemke, KD8FUE reported a balance at the end of August of $6,956.97.

Committee Reports

Property Report: N9CON reported all club property is on the inventory including items left from the Floyd Croy donation.

ARES Report: KD8FUE reported ARES members are eligible for FirstNet cell phone service. Wisconsin ARES is holding it’s annual meeting at Wisconsin Rapids in October.

Fundraiser Report: Nothing to report.

DAR report: K9STT reported he is no longer available to volunteer at the DAR radio room. We are looking for volunteers to help KD8FUE staff the room two days a week from 3-5 pm.

Yacht Report: Ed Engleman, KG8CX reported they have several members of the club presenting at the QSO Today virtual ham expo.

Webmaster Report: K9STT reported no changes with the website.

ARRL Report: Current with ARRL.

New Business

K9STT had informational brochures printed to had out at public events and asked for reimbursement. Motion to reimburse K9STT was made by Jim Callow, K8IR and seconded by NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.

A VE session will be held at 6pm on October 19th at inVenture North.

Old Business

K9STT is waiting to hear back from Jim Swanson, KC8DOA about a price on an amplifier for the 444.075 repeater. He may have a used one available for us.

K8IR will arrange for the pickup of the telescopic mast for the communications trailer.


The Kenwood TS-2000 HF radio from Marinette County is now owned by KC8DOA.

Plaques for Ham of the Year, Arde’s 100th Birthday and special recognition for work on the trailer project were presented at the meeting.

K9STT will not be available to continue as club president next year.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by N9CON and seconded by Paul Drees, WC9E. The motion was accepted and carried.

15 members present: N9GLT, WC9E, KG8CX, N9CON, AG9P, AA9VV, WA9BUD, KD9IGW, KD8FUE, NS8V, K8IR, KD8OVR, KD9RYZ, K9STT and WN6KHG


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

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Weather in Dublin

March 13th, 2025 - 15:16 - Clear Sky

70°F 67°F min 71°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  69°F
Humidity:   39%
Wind: 2.0 mph SE
Pressure:   1,012 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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