Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday June 10, 2021


Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club president Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Motion to approve the May meeting minutes was made by Pete Johnson, AB9PJ and seconded by Bruce Conover, N9CON. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: Club treasurer Mike Lemke, KD8FUE reported a balance of $2,971.33 and a trailer fund balance of $617.

Correspondence: Lloyd and Gayle Gomez, W9LEG and W9GCG, made a $500 donation to the trailer fund. Arde Nelson, KA9WAR reported the location he reserved at the Peshtigo School for the Peshtigo Historical Days/150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire event is an approximately 50’x80’ grass area with access to power. He has an R8 vertical antenna that can be used by the club on that day.

Committee Reports

Repeater Report: AB9PJ reported he is looking for the right weather to take care of the issue with the jumper on the 147.000 antenna. He also has pictures of the equipment at Rangeline Rd for the property report.

Education and Training: Doug Dooley, KD8OVR has received a request for a test session. A time and location will need to be scheduled with VE’s. KD8OVR also reported that an FCC Registration Number (FRN) is now required to take an exam.

Property Report: N9CON is inquiring if there is any club property at the DAR.

ARES Report: No updates

Trailer Report: KD8OVR reported that the running lights have been rewired and they are starting on insulation.

Fundraiser Report: KD8FUE reported our next fundraisers will be brat fries at Gary’s Quality Foods in Wallace, MI on June 12th and the Marinette Logging & Heritage Festival on Stephenson Island July 10th. Volunteers are needed!

DAR report: K9STT reported they are averaging 9 kids in the radio room.

Webmaster Report: K9STT reported the website has been getting a lot of hits and there have been many inquiries.

ARRL Report: Nothing new to report.

Breakfast on the Farm: N9CON reported they committee is getting ready for the event. He has 14 people signed up to help with parking vehicles and could use 6 more.

New Business

Motion to nominate AJ Pawlowski, KB7KZ for ham of the year was made by Jim Callow, K8IR and seconded by KD8OVR. The motion was accepted and carried. Congratulation AJ!

Motion to purchase a ham of the year plaque for KB7KZ and an honorary lifetime member plaque for KA9WAR was made by K8IR and seconded by Tim Mellenthin, WN6KHG. The motion was accepted and carried.

K8IR and Char Conover will plan the annual club picnic this year.

Old Business

Brat Fry will be held Saturday, June 12th at Gary’s Quality Foods in Wallace.

The Marinette Logging & Heritage Festival will be held this year at Stephenson Island on Saturday, July 10th. More volunteers will be needed for the brat fry at the event and about 6 people for the morning run/walk.

Looking for volunteers for the Peshtigo Historical Days/150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire celebration in Peshtigo on September 25th. The club will be running a special event station and will need radio operators and bodies to set up and tear down. We have some volunteers from NEWDXA that have signed up to operate at the event.

There is no new information on the K8DAR/W8PIF scholarship. The DAR will be discussing it at their next board meeting.


Tim Duffy presentation – 8pm June 10th after the club meeting

Brat Fry – June 12th at Gary’s in Wallace, MI

Sunshine Swap – June 19th Kaukauna, WI

UP Rally – June 19th Powers, MI

Breakfast on the Farm – June 27th

Marinette Logging & Heritage Festival – July 10th

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by KB7KZ and seconded by K8IR. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 7:52 pm.

16 members present: K9STT, N9GLT, N9CON, KB7KZ, K8IR, AB9PJ, KG8CX, WC9E, KD8OVR, KD8FUE, KE8KWU, AA9VV, AG9P, WA9BUD, WN6KHG and Bob Dye (no call)


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

lebration in Peshtigo on September 25th. The club will be running a special event station and will need radio operators and bodies to set up and tear down. We have some volunteers from NEWDXA that have signed up to operate at the event.

There is no new information on the K8DAR/W8PIF scholarship. The DAR will be discussing it at their next board meeting.


Tim Duffy presentation – 8pm June 10th after the club meeting

Brat Fry – June 12th at Gary’s in Wallace, MI

Sunshine Swap – June 19th Kaukauna, WI

UP Rally – June 19th Powers, MI

Breakfast on the Farm – June 27th

Marinette Logging & Heritage Festival – July 10th

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by KB7KZ and seconded by K8IR. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 7:52 pm.

16 members present: K9STT, N9GLT, N9CON, KB7KZ, K8IR, AB9PJ, KG8CX, WC9E, KD8OVR, KD8FUE, KE8KWU, AA9VV, AG9P, WA9BUD, WN6KHG and Bob Dye (no call)


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Dublin

March 13th, 2025 - 13:50 - Few Clouds

67°F 65°F min 70°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  65°F
Humidity:   41%
Wind: 2.0 mph SW
Pressure:   1,012 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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