Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday May 13, 2021


Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club president Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Motion to approve the April meeting minutes, with the corrected breakfast on the farm date, was made by Tim Mellenthin, WN6KHG and seconded by Doug Dooley, KD8OVR. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: Club treasurer Mike Lemke, KD8FUE reported a balance of $4,933.72

Correspondence: Arde Nelson, KA9WAR has reserved a location at the Peshtigo School for the club to set up a special event station at the Peshtigo Historical Days/150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire event on September 25th.

Repeater Report: Pete Johnson, AB9PJ reported both repeaters working well and he is looking for an opportunity to repair the jumper on club’s 147.000 antenna. The club is currently borrowing a power amplifier for the 147.000 repeater from JS Electronics and AB9PJ suggested we should consider purchasing our own amplifier for the 147 repeater. Motion to purchase a Kenwood power amplifier from JS Electronics for $2160.00 was made by Bruce Conover, N9CON and seconded by Ed Engleman, KG8CX. The motion was accepted and carried.

Education and Training: Nothing new to report.

Property Report: N9CON needs pictures of the Rangeline Rd equipment to complete the inventory.

ARES Report: KD8FUE reported he would like to get Winlink set up.

Trailer Report: K9STT reported there is $700 in the trailer fund. The old decals have been removed from the exterior of the trailer and the interior of the trailer has been stripped. Wiring and insulation will be added to the interior next.

Fundraiser Report: KD8FUE reported our next fundraisers will be brat fries at Gary’s Quality Foods in Wallace, MI on June 12th and the Marinette Logging & Heritage Festival on Stephenson Island July 10th.

DAR report: K9STT and KD9FUE reported the kids at the DAR are having a lot of fun using the 444.075 Fusion repeater with WIRES-X.

Webmaster Report: Website is doing fine. Nothing new to report.

ARRL Report: Nothing new to report.

New Business

The club needs more members to volunteer at our fundraiser events.

K9STT received two quotes for communications trailer decals - $938 from MJB and $640 from Fast Signs. K9STT will bring mock-ups from both vendors to the next meeting.

Motion to make KA9WAR an honorary lifetime member of the club was made by N9CON and seconded by Paul Sorensen, NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.

There was discussion on a proposal to sponsor a scholarship program with the DAR. No action was taken.

The Marinette Logging & Heritage Festival will be held this year at Stephenson Island on Saturday, July 10th. The club has the opportunity to rent a space for a brat fry fundraiser at the event for $120. Set up for the event would happen on Friday and take down would be on Sunday. Motion to rent a space and hold a brat fry fundraiser at the event was made by WN6KHG and seconded by KD8FUE. The motion was accepted and carried.


Old Business

N9CON reported he currently has 4 people signed up for Breakfast on the Farm. He will need 20 volunteers to do parking at the event. You can sign up to help at this event on the club website or by contacting N9CON.

Field day will be conducted from home stations again this year.

A committee will be formed to work on the details for the Peshtigo Historical Days/150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire celebration in Peshtigo on September 25th.


Tim Duffy from DX Engineering will talk about antenna building via Zoom at our June club meeting.

The Sunshine Swapfest will be held June 19th in Kaukauna.

The Central UP Rally will be June 19th in rural Powers, MI.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jim Callow, K8IR and seconded by N9CON. The motion was accepted and carried.

11 members present: K9STT, N9GLT, N9CON, KD8FUE, KD8OVR, K8IR, KG8CX, AB9PJ, NS8V, AG9P, WN6KHG


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Ashburn

February 19th, 2025 - 3:03 - Clear Sky

18°F 16°F min 20°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  5°F
Humidity:   49%
Wind: 12.7 mph N
Pressure:   1,031 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

  Temperature Profile

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