Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday February 11, 2021


Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm at George Webb’s Restaurant in Peshtigo by club President Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Secretary’s Report: Motion to approve the January meeting minutes was made by Bruce Conover, N9CON and seconded by Pete Johnson, AB9PJ. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: Club treasurer Mike Lemke, KD8FUE reported a balance of $4,624.54

Repeater Report: AB9PJ reported both the 147.000 and the 444.075 have been working well. The new Yaesu Fusion repeater is now on the air for testing at K9STT’s tower in Marinette. The new repeater is on a temporary frequency of 444.500 with a PL of 107.2 and can function in both analog and fusion digital modes.

Webmaster Report: K9STT reported he has reCAPTCHA working on the club website. It should prevent the spam membership signups we were receiving.

ARRL Report: K9STT reported we are current with ARRL and he has been in contact with them.

Education and Training: Doug Dooley, KD8OVR reported that we have not been able to hold radio classes because of the pandemic, but hopes to be able to offer classes again in the future. He has been directing people who inquire about classes to various internet sources for the time being.

VE Report: AB9PJ is planning a testing session for the week of February 14th. He also reported that the club is in need of VE’s. If anyone is interested in becoming a VE they should contact AB9PJ or KD8OVR.

Old Business

Jim Callow, K8IR has reserved the 2nd pavilion at Henes Park for the club picnic that will be held on August 15th.

New Business

An audit of the club’s financial accounts was completed for the year 2020 in late January.

The club’s 2021 budget was prepared by K9STT is available on the website.

K9STT presented the committee appointments for 2021. There is currently an opening on the election committee. Contact K9STT if you are interested in serving on the election committee.

There is an open At Large officer position.

K9STT reported ARRL offers insurance to affiliated clubs that is cheaper than our current policy. Coverages will be compared before making a recommendation to switch insurance carriers.

A letter to invite area amateur radio operators to join the club was presented by K9STT. ARRL can provide us with a mailing list of licensed amateur radio operators by ZIP code.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by N9CON and seconded by AB9PJ. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 7:38 pm.

13 members present: K9STT, N9GLT, AG9P, W9CYN, KD8FUE, KD9IGW, AB9PJ, AB9QC, WN9KHG, N9CON, K8IR, KD8OVR and WC9E


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

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March 13th, 2025 - 23:11 - Clear Sky

54°F 50°F min 57°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  51°F
Humidity:   59%
Wind: 1.0 mph E
Pressure:   1,013 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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