Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday February 13, 2025


Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club President Jim Callow, K8IR.

Motion to approve the January meeting minutes was made by Doug Dooley, KD8OVR and seconded by Paul Sorensen, NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: NS8V reported the income and expenditures for the past month. The ending balance for the month of January was $7,259.07. KD8OV reported the financial review was conducted last month and no improprieties were found.

Correspondence: None

Committee Reports

ARES Report: No report.

Fundraiser: No report.

Yacht Report: No report.

ARRL/Webmaster Report: No report.

Old Business

Technician Class: KD8OVR reported two classes have been held so far and 5-7 people were in attendance.

Repeater: John Goldschmidt, N9GLT and NS8V checked the 444.075 repeater and found it was it fixed digital out mode. A programming change was made and now the repeater will operate normally in either digital or analog modes. N9GLT will work with Mike Lemke, KD8FUE to correct an issue with our WIRES-X node configuration so we can completely disconnect from WIRES-X rooms when a member is not using it.

Bicycle Tour: No update

Escanaba Link: No updates.

Charter Night/After Christmas Dinner: The group thanked Mike Lemke, KD8FUE for setting up the dinner. Positive remarks were made about the food, service, and private room.

New Business

Summer Picnic: A tentative date of Sunday, August 3rd was chosen for the club summer picnic. K8IR will reserve the pavilion.

Dry Erase Board: KD8OVR talked with Ashley at InVenture about purchasing a dry erase board for the meeting room. The club may help with the purchase.

Announcements: None

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by NS8V and seconded Dale Paust, KD9MVZ. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 7:24 pm.

7 members present: N9GLT, K8IR, KD9MVZ, KD9MWA, KD8OVR, KD9IGW, and NS8V.


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Dublin

March 15th, 2025 - 3:29 - Overcast Clouds

66°F 64°F min 67°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  64°F
Humidity:   49%
Wind: 11.0 mph SE
Pressure:   1,004 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

  Temperature Profile

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