Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
Thursday December 14, 2023
Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club vice president Dan Nyman, W9DLN.
Motion to approve the November meeting minutes was made by Steve Mellenthin, K9STT and seconded by Paul Sorensen, NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.
Treasures Report: Mike Lemke, KD8FUE reported a balance at the end of November of $7,121.94. Motion to approve the treasurers report was made by Tim Mellenthin, WN6KHG and seconded by Doug Dooley, KD8OVR. The motion was accepted and carried.
Committee Reports
ARES Report: KD8FUE reported there is a conference call coming up. Installation of the mast on the communications trailer need to be completed and then the trailer can be moved from KD8FUE’s to the ISD building for permanent storage.
Fundraiser Report: Nothing to report
Yacht Report: No report
ARRL/Webmaster Report: K9STT reported the club is current with ARRL and he will be following up next month for 2024 members. The website is still getting plenty of hits. If you are interested in helping with web maintenance contact K9STT.
Election Committee: K9STT will make calls and compile a list of members interested in serving as club officers for 2024, which will be posted on the website. Nominations will also be taken at the January meeting before elections are held.
Escanaba Repeater Link: AB9PJ presented an opportunity to link the 147.000 repeater with a UHF repeater in Escanaba. No action was taken at this time.
Yaesu Fusion/Wires-X: KD8FUE had been using his personal radio to link the 444.075 repeater to the internet for Wires-X linking. He asked if the FTM-400 from the DAR could be used for this purpose. It was agreed that club property should be used for club purposes.
Technician License Classes: KD8OVR would like to start classes in February and run four classes instead of three to spread out the material covered during each class. Contact KD8OVR if you are interested in helping with the classes.
Old Business
UHF Amp: No update
Communications Trailer: Some final installation work needs to be done with the telescopic mast and that project will be complete.
Holiday Party: The holiday party will be held at the Whistle Stop, N2190 US 41, Menominee MI on Saturday, January 20. The party will begin at 5 pm and dinner and will be served at 6 pm. The dinner will consist of chicken, beef tips, and salad bar. There will be a white elephant gift exchange following the dinner. The cost is $23/person including tax and tip. You can RSVP on the website or by contacting KD8FUE.
Rag Net: W9DLN reported the previous Sunday net had 3 non-local check-ins.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by K9STT and seconded by NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried. Meeting ended at 8:08 pm.
12 members present: N9GLT, KD8FUE, KW5AS, W8AWF, W9DLN, KD8OVR, N0AWM, KD9IGW, NS8V, WN6KHG, K9STT and AB9PJ (telephone).
Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary