Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Monthly Meeting Minutes

Sunday August 13, 2023


Meeting was called to order at 1:01 pm at Henes Park in Menominee by club president Jim Callow, K8IR.

Correspondence: Pete Johnson, AB9PJ requested to use the club’s 147.000 repeater September 21 through 24 for a challenge walk in Door County. Motion to allow the repeater to be used for the challenge walk was made by Steve Mellenthin, K9STT and seconded by Paul Sorensen, NS8V. The motion was accepted and carried.

Jim Sanford, K8ZZU formerly from Menominee, made contact with the club station during field day. K8ZZU shared that he took his Novis test at the DAR many years ago and provided pictures of his logs book and Novis station.

New Business

Honorary Lifetime Membership Plaque Presentation: Lloyd and Gayle Gomez were presented with a plaque commemorating their honorary lifetime membership.


Communications Trailer: An external support mounting system will need to be purchased to attach the antenna mast to the communications trailer. The mast came with an internal support mounting system.


DAR Radio Station: The radio station at the DAR will need to be taken out of the former radio room and the antennas will need to be taken down. A committee consisting of K9STT, NS8V, and KD8FUE was appointed to determine who owns each piece of equipment.


WIRES-X: WIRES-X is active on the 444.075 repeater on a trial basis with the control station located at Mike Lemke’s, KD8FUE house. It will be reviewed at the September meeting.



K9STT announced Lloyd and Gayle Gomez made a donation of $1,000 toward the communications trailer.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by K9STT and seconded by Paul Drees, WC9E. The motion was accepted and carried.

14 members present: N9GLT, WN6KHG, K9STT, KD8FUE, KD8OVR, K8IR, W9DLN, AG9P, AA9VV, KG8CX, WC9E, NS8V, KB8PCQ, and KA9WAR.


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Dublin

March 14th, 2025 - 11:29 - Clear Sky

67°F 65°F min 68°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  65°F
Humidity:   48%
Wind: 9.2 mph S
Pressure:   1,012 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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