Marinette & Menominee Amateur Radio Club

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday October 13, 2022


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at inVenture North in Marinette by club president Steve Mellenthin, K9STT.

Motion to approve the September meeting minutes was made by Bruce Conover, N9CON and seconded by Mike Lemke, KD8FUE. The motion was accepted and carried.

Treasures Report: KD8FUE reported a balance at the end of August of $6,669.90.

Committee Reports

Property Report: N9CON reported the inventory is current, will remove the amplifier that was recently sold. Need to inventory the communications trailer.

ARES Report: KD8FUE reported a fall exercise was held and Winlink was used.

Fundraiser Report: Nothing to report.

DAR report: The DAR radio room has been shut down until there are volunteers available. If you are interested in volunteering at the DAR radio room, contact K9STT or KD8FUE

Yacht Report: Ed Engleman, KG8CX reported about 57 youths and 12 adults have joined this year. The Yacht youth net is held Saturday evenings at 7 pm on EchoLink and the 147.000 repeater.

Webmaster Report: K9STT reported the website is doing good.

ARRL Report: K9STT reported we are current with ARRL.

New Business

The members present voted not to accept the resignation of K9STT. He has agreed to finish out his current term as president.

The Yaesu Fusion linking radio has not been working for some time. A motion to table the purchase of a new radio for this purpose was made by N9CON and seconded by KG8CX. The motion was accepted and carried.

K9STT offered up his 220 repeater to the club if he leaves the area in the future. No action was taken.

There was discussion on the property audit and when the committee is supposed to assemble and complete it.

Old Business

K9STT is hoping to have more information next month from Jim Swanson, KC8DOA about the amplifier purchase for the 444.075 repeater.

K9STT is planning to attend the ARES training session in Wisconsin Rapids on October 15th.


Two free tickets for the Kaukauna swap fest area available. KD8OVR claimed one at the meeting.

Shannon Lefebvre, KD9RYZ is looking for assistance putting up an antenna in Oconto Falls.

A wife of a silent key has radio equipment for sale. Contact Debbie at (906) 250-9823 if interested.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Robert Juhlin, W8AWF and seconded by Paul Drees, WC9E. The motion was accepted and carried.

10 members present: N9GLT, KD8FUE, KD8OVR, KD9RYZ, K9STT, KG8CX, N9CON, WC9E, WD8OSE, and W8AWF.


Minutes respectfully submitted by John Goldschmidt – Secretary

Goldschmidt – Secretary

Local Weather

Weather in Dublin

March 13th, 2025 - 15:02 - Clear Sky

70°F 67°F min 71°F max
Feels Like Temperature:  68°F
Humidity:   39%
Wind: 2.0 mph SE
Pressure:   1,012 hPa
Visibility:   not obstructed

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