2022 March Agenda

March 2022 Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of allegiance
  3. Introductions
  4. Approval of 2022 February Minutes
  5. Treasurer's report
  6. Correspondence
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Repeater Report - AB9PJ
    2. Education/Training/Testing - KD8OVR
    3. Property Report - N9CON
    4. ARES Report - KD8FUE
    5. Fundraising Committee KD8FUE/K9STT
    6. DAR report - K9STT/KD8FUE
    7. Yacht Report - KG8CX
    8. Web/ARRL report - K9STT
  8. New business
    1. Approval for July 9th Heritage Fest event
    2. Approval for Heritage Fest Budget
    3. By-laws Change Property Inventory - Doug
  9. Old Business
    1. Repeater Expansion, South/North
    2. By-laws change (allow the purchase of ancillary goods up to $75, allow Board to make expenditures up to $1,000)
    3. ARES, Antennas at EOC
  10. Announcements
    1. Fish Fry at Whistle Stop on Highway 41, north of Menominee
  11. Adjournment