May 2021 Agenda

May 2021 Agenda


  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of allegiance
  3. Introductions
  4. Approval of minutes
  5. Treasurer's report
  6. Correspondance
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Repeater Report - AB9PJ
    2. Education/Training/Testing - KD8OVR
    3. Property Report - N9CON
    4. ARES Report - KD8FUE
    5. Trailer report - KD8FUE/KD8OVR
    6. Fundraising Committee KD8FUE/K9STT
    7. DAR report - K9STT/KD8FUE
    8. Web/ARRL report - K9STT
    9. Breakfast on the Farm -N9CON
  8. New business
    1. Volunteering - Paying forward
    2. Signage for Trailer
    3. Amp for 444.075/147.000
    4. Honorary Membership
    5. Possible DAR scholarship program
  9. Old Business
    1. Field Day
    2. Peshtigo Fire
  10. Announcements
    1. Tim Duffy - June Meeting
    2. Brat Fry - Gary's IGA Wallace June 12
    3. Sunshine Swap June 19th
    4. UP Rally
  11. Adjournment