Download Coursework | Technician Classes |
The M&M Amateur Radio Club will resume Technician classes in 2021, after a year-long hiatus due to the Covid-19 virus. Keep an eye on this page for updates, meanwhile, you can download the coursework and study on your own! We use the No-Nonsense Study Guide by KB6NU, which is free to download (link above). This is an easy-to-read and understand program and we use it in class as well as home study.
Doug Dooley (KD8OVR) is our training and testing Committee Chairman, and schedules and teaches our classes with almost 100% of our students passing their exams!
Our class of 2020 ended abruptly when covid-19 interrupted the class. We hope to get things started again in 2021, so we can get all of our students licensed!